You need to use the API for that. <?php global $userpro_social; echo $userpro_social->follow_text(‘following_who_user_id’, get_current_user_id()); ?> The first parameter is the user id to follow, the second parameter is who will follow him.
Integrating your avatar & to get the UserPro profile link to theme comments
Each theme is different but often you have a comments.php file, open that file. First to integrate your avatar, change this print ”; To: echo get_avatar($comment,60); To get the UserPro profile link change get_comment_author_link() to: global $userpro; echo “.userpro_profile_data(‘display_name’, $comment->user_id).”;
Show the user profile picture, profile link, user badges and display name to your comments
This guide will help you show the user profile picture, profile link, user badges and display name to your comments. Each theme is different but often you have a comments.php file, open that file and find this part: wp_list_comments( array( ‘callback’ => ‘presscore_comment’ ) ); The callback will be different […]
Get the instant messaging first registered message
Download the latest version of messaging add-on and go to private messaging area, there is option to enable or disable it.
Create an Account button on the modal popup needs to be removed
You can remove / create an account button from popup or shortcode by doing so in your modal login link do this: data-login_button_secondary=’…’
Disable secondary button in modal login
Simply delete this in userpro/templates/login.php <?php if ($args[“{$template}_button_secondary”]) { ?> <input type=”button” value=” <?php echo $args[“{$template}_button_secondary”]; ?>” class=”userpro-button secondary” data-template=”<?php echo $args[“{$template}_button_action”]; ?>” /> <?php } ?> You can create a folder in your themes directory “userpro” with a subfolder “templates” an put the modified file login.php there. In this […]
Show only social buttons on comments
In your comments template you could do something like <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[userpro_social_connect]’); ?> See for shortcode options.
Show only a WooCommerce Review in activity feed
1. Open userpro > addons > social > functions >api.php. 2. Look for the function “log_action()”. You can add a new log action case and markup here. 3. Open userpro > addons > social > functions >log_actions.php. 4. This is where you can see examples of hooking into tha action […]
Translate website to German language
Follow step-by-step on the link
Use the Date Picker Field
Add that field to your forms. Create a new field, and choose “Date Picker” as field type. Move the field to your register/profile forms (Drag and drop the field you created). You have a fully functional Date Picker field as seen in the Register demo of this website.