Add a follow button

You need to use the API for that. <?php global $userpro_social; echo $userpro_social->follow_text(‘following_who_user_id’, get_current_user_id()); ?> The first parameter is the user id to follow, the second parameter is who will follow him.

Disable secondary button in modal login

Simply delete this in userpro/templates/login.php <?php if ($args[“{$template}_button_secondary”]) { ?> <input type=”button” value=” <?php echo $args[“{$template}_button_secondary”]; ?>” class=”userpro-button secondary” data-template=”<?php echo $args[“{$template}_button_action”]; ?>” /> <?php } ?> You can create a folder in your themes directory “userpro” with a subfolder “templates” an put the modified file login.php there. In this […]

Show only social buttons on comments

In your comments template you could do something like <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[userpro_social_connect]’); ?> See for shortcode options.

Show only a WooCommerce Review in activity feed

1. Open userpro > addons > social > functions >api.php. 2. Look for the function “log_action()”. You can add a new log action case and markup here. 3. Open userpro > addons > social > functions >log_actions.php. 4. This is where you can see examples of hooking into tha action […]

Use the Date Picker Field

Add that field to your forms. Create a new field, and choose “Date Picker” as field type. Move the field to your register/profile forms (Drag and drop the field you created). You have a fully functional Date Picker field as seen in the Register demo of this website.