Go to UserPro -> fields. Theres a Profile Background option for customizing in the list of available fileds. Click on the gear icon to make changes.
Link the author page to the user profile
Do it with a function (add code inside the functions.php of your template). With plugins you may have problems with permalinks. Before: website.com/author/john.doe After: website.com/profile/john.doe Code: add_action(‘init’, ‘change_author_base’); function change_author_base() { global $wp_rewrite; $author_slug=‘profile’; // change the name for ‘author’ //here $wp_rewrite->author_base=$author_slug; }
Integrate User Pro with Sahifa Theme Comments
Open up wp_list_comments.php file from dashboard>appearance>editor or from wp-contents/themes/sahifa/includes Find the line : .comment-avatar { overflow:hidden; width:45px; height:45px; margin:0 10px 5px -30px; background: white; padding: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 1px; -webkit-border-radius: 1px; box-shadow: 0 0 3px #B5B5B5; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #b5b5b5; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #B5B5B5; float:left; } Replace with .comment-avatar […]
Let members post article in their profile page from frontend
Do not send your regular members to backend, let them publish directly from frontend with a simple shortcode. [userpro template=publish post_meta=”custom_url” post_meta_labels=”Custom URL (Post Meta)”]
Send hidden field data to user_meta table
There are hooks in register do_action(‘userpro_before_fields’, $hook_args); You can use that hook to add a hidden input or any kind of inputs before fields. These fields can later be processed after new registration – there’s another hook that runs when profile is updated (e.g. when someone register, edit profile, etc) […]
Add My Uploads & Videos to the profile page
Go to Fields tab > You can add A NEW FIELD (videos are html fields or text fields that have youtube video url) if you make a new html field, user can put html code (embed code of video) for photos, add a new field > Picture field > and […]
Assign posts to a category automatically specified by admin
Go onto the posts category page, then in the add new category section enter the name as: Category_name_of_your_choice and the slug as: same_as_category_name Use the shortcode [userpro template=publish publish_heading=”Write an article” taxonomy=category category=category_name_of your_choice publish_button_primary=submit]
Change the default state of the MailChimp’s “subscribe to newsletter” checkbox to checked.
In fields-functions.php Edit: $res .= “<div class=’userpro-checkbox-wrap’>”; $res .= “<label class=’userpro-checkbox full’><span “; $res .= ‘></span><input type=”checkbox” value=”unsubscribed” name=”‘.$key.’-‘.$i.'” ‘; $res .= ” />”.$array[‘list_text’].”</label>”; $res .= “</div>”; To $res .= “<div class=’userpro-checkbox-wrap’>”; $res .= “<label class=’userpro-checkbox full’><span class=’checked'”; $res .= ‘></span><input type=”checkbox” value=”unsubscribed” checked=”checked” name=”‘.$key.’-‘.$i.'” ‘; $res .= ” />”.$array[‘list_text’].”</label>”; […]
Help For Admins: Add Video, Music To Profiles The Easy Way
Temporary work-around for Admins who want to give users/members the ability to Add Video, Music to their Profile Pages. Included is Sample Embed Codes that you can use to see how it works. NOTE 1 : Be sure to add Tool-Tip for members…(Use Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud etc Embed Code Only! […]
Completely remove the mail icon (above the button “view profile”)
Completely remove the mail icon (above the button “view profile”) to completely hide the email addresses to users already registered. Go to UserPro admin and remove email field from Social Fields list & save.