You can set the size via CSS only. [profilepicture] The above shortcode should get the profile image, see the demo profile for example. It gets the class up-profilepicture so style it in your css. span.up-profilepicture { … }
Translate forms in a specific language
You have to translate the forms (login, register ect in your wordpress backend). Visit your dashboard and go to UserPro -> UserPro tab. There you will found all available forms. Just push the little “plus” or “gear” and you can translate this forms into your language.
Grant access to users registered through different registration process
Grant access to users who have registered through different registration process other than UserPro registration You need to allow them access to backend via Global Settings of UserPro. There’s an option that allows you to define user roles to access the backend, besides “admin”. The option ” Enable these roles to view […]
Redirect to the same page after login
You can do so by adding this in your shortcode: [userpro template=login force_redirect_uri=1] You can also set “Refresh page” after connection in UserPro admin panel
Customize template for following and followers
Paste this code /userpro/followers.php in your theme. if (locate_template(‘userpro/’ . $template . ‘.php’) != ”) { include get_template_directory() . ‘/userpro/’. $template . ‘.php’; } else { include userpro_sc_path . “templates/$template.php”; } So it works/gets loaded the same way you customize a standard login.php or view.php template.
Integrate UserPro Badge in Author info (on posts)
You need to edit the template file (php file) and insert it as php code $user_id=get_the_author_meta(‘ID’); echo userpro_show_badges($user_id, $inline=true);
Display the social bar of a logged user outside view.php
To use/show the social icons outside view.php you can use the integratable version (with easy API method) here is an example: echo $this->show_social_bar_clean(‘user_id’); This is an example already used in bbPress forum integration, you can integrate the social icons bar anywhere you want via the UserPro API function above. If […]
Change badge size
The badges are adjusted by this class by default img.userpro-profile-badge { margin: 0 2px !important; top: 0 !important; vertical-align: middle !important; box-shadow: none !important; padding: 0 !important; max-width: 16px !important; max-height: 16px !important; position: relative !important; display: inline !important; } Change the max-width and max-height and create specific badge width/height […]
Add badge by default to users
You can hook into badges filter/functions here: addons/badges/functions/hooks-actions.php
Link to URL Followers & Following
You can use API to do this. Use this to generate link for FOLLOWERS echo $userpro->permalink($user_id, ‘followers’, ‘userpro_sc_pages’); For FOLLOWING same echo $userpro->permalink($user_id, ‘following’, ‘userpro_sc_pages’); Remember to change $user_id with the dynamic user id you want. This will link to followers/following page for specific user.