You can change default_avatar_male and default_avatar_female in img folder Note : On updates, you will need to replace them again. Use default gravatars until users upload a custom avatar for this site under Profile Settings, if you set this to “NO”; default male/female avatars will be used (not the gravatar by […]
Check if viewing own profile
You can use existing API function that returns true if you are in your own profile, or viewing another profile (false) <?php global $userpro; if ($userpro->viewing_his_profile()){ // viewing his own profile } else { // viewing another user profile } ?>
Display current count of bookmarks, followers and following for a user
To display the count of following for a user: get_current_user_id() is current logged in user ID. We assume you will check that the user has logged in already <?php global $userpro; echo $userpro_social->following_count_plain(get_current_user_id()); ?> To display the count of followers for a user: <?php global $userpro; echo $userpro_social->followers_count_plain(get_current_user_id()); ?> These […]
Location of all the badges and achievements
All the badges are inside userpro/addons/badges/badges.
Create custom index.html for login to restrict access to certain sections of the website
UserPro creates pages for you automatically, if you do not want them as pages or pages that all people can see just edit these pages and take the shortcodes you want and build your custom pages. There’s a shortcode reference here it is the KEY of userpro, everything is done with […]
Return the profile image in full size
To return the profile picture URL, which you can use as full width image, you need to use API: userpro_profile_data(‘profilepicture’, $user_id); This will display the FULL IMAGE SIZE url. Now you can use it anyway you want.
Display all comments by a user
You need to display them with custom code to show comments. UserPro does not show user’s comments by default. Here are a link to help you :
Make author profiles clickable for more info and all posts
For this don’t assign a parent to the profile page in the Page Attributes section.
Show profile information without using shortcode
Use the follwing code : global $userpro; $user_id=get_current_user_id(); echo userpro_profile_data(‘first_name’, $user_id); Just change the first_name to any other information.
Change global language of UserPro
A .po file exists in your UserPro/Language directory. For translating with Poedit follow the link: Create a .pot or .po File using Poedit here: