You can use the UserPro API to achieve this. <?php global $userpro_social; echo $userpro_social->follow_text(‘author_id_here’, get_current_user_id()); ?> Author ID must be changed with your dynamic author ID, this could be get_the_author_meta(‘ID’) or different according to your theme. This will let current user follow the author.
bbPress – Integrate Social Icons Bar
Integrate Social Icons Bar to your threads (icons alongside each user reply) which gives quick access to user social profiles The bbpress template that you need to edit is: loop-single-reply.php Add the line <?php echo $userpro->show_social_bar_clean(bbp_get_reply_author_id(),’userpro-centered-icons’); ?> The first option is the user ID (reply author), and the second is […]
Add custom search filter to EMD & Members Directory
Create your custom field After this drag & drop this field to your “Groups & Fields” section e.g. “Edit Profile Fields” Open the file /userpro/addons/emd/functions/shortcode-main.php Right under line 17 add this code: $args[’emd_custom_field_name’]=’Search by custom_field_name,dropdown’; Tip: Just copy line 17 & put it right under it (line 18) & then […]
Make members of the site visible to public / community
Just do not check any privacy setting within fields, that’s it. Under “Global Options” be sure to have the settings checked
UserPro + Envato purchase code verifications
For those looking for API way (outside edit/registration forms) to validate any user purchase, simply do the test using 1 line : $userpro->verify_purchase(‘purchase_code_to_test’); This is NOT required, this line is for manual/advanced integration only (Outside userpro registration) on your custom page, custom php etc. then If API returned valid (true) […]
Customize Profile Picture Size
First, please make sure you are using the most up-to-date version from customer portal: To customize/set the size of profile picture you need to use the shortcode option profile_thumb_size. Example: Make the profile thumbnail 80px Example: Make the profile thumbnail 80px [userpro template=view profile_thumb_size=80] By default the profile thumbnail size […]
To link author to users and posts
In your functions/api.php change this $link=apply_filters(‘userpro_user_profile_url’, $link, $user_id); To: if ($request == ‘profile’ || $request == ‘view’;) { $link=apply_filters(‘userpro_user_profile_url’, $link, $user_id); } This will affect only profile permalinks and keep login, register, other pages un-affected.
Replacing user author link with userpro profile link
The integration requires some template tweaks. Download the modified bbpress templates .zip file and read near the line that says /* Integrating UserPro */ and apply the changes to your bbPress template.
Memberlist not displaying all members or Memberlist not getting updated
UserPro has caching turned on. Some added members from other methods (not normal registration) can be delayed until cache is cleared. Try this in your functions.php global $userpro; $userpro->clear_cache();
Show Members with Specific Roles
This is a built-in feature for the Member Directory shortcode. This quick tutorial will show you how to display members in your members list who have a specific user role in your WordPress site. If you want to show multiple roles seperate each role by a comma, see the following examples. You can […]