Setting up Google+ Connect (from version 4.9.39)

  1. Go to
  2. Press Select a project and click NEW PROJECT.
  3. In the next window enter Project Name and press Create.
  4. Select a project and go to the Library.
  5. Search for Google+ API and click on it.

  6. Press Enable button in this API settings.
  7. Go to the Credentials settings and click OAuth consent screen. Fill the fields and click save.
  8. In the next window click Create credentials and choose OAuth client ID.

  9. Select Web application, enter Name. In the Authorized redirect URIs field enter your web site url and /wp-content/plugins/userpro/lib/google-auth/auth.php at the end.

  10. Click Create button.
  11. From the next window Copy Client ID and Client Secret.
  12. Now go to your site WordPress dashboard UserPro->Settings->Google integration. Change Allow Google Social Connect setting to Yes. Paste Client ID and Client secret. In the Call/Redirect URL enter your site url and /wp-content/plugins/userpro/lib/google-auth/auth.php. This address should be the same as in the step 9. Additionally an example of Your case will be provided under the input field.
  13. Click Save Changes.
  14. Now you should able to see Google+ login icon in the login page.

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