Setting up Instagram Connect (from version 4.9.24)

  1. Go to
  2. Enter all required information. In the Valid redirect URIs field enter your site url and /wp-content/plugins/userpro/lib/instagram/auth.php at the end. Click Register.
  3. Press Manage on the created app.

  4. Copy Client ID and Client Secret.
  5. Go to Permissions settings and press Start a submission. Fallow steps in order to get submission. This is required for the app to be Live. Users won’t be able to login if app would be in Sandbox Mode.
  6. Now go to your site WordPress dashboard UserPro->Settings->Instagram integration. Change Allow Instagram Social Connect setting to Yes. Paste Instagram Client ID and Instagram Client Secret. In the Instagram Redirect URL enter your site url and /wp-content/plugins/userpro/lib/instagram/auth.php. This address should be the same as in the step 2.

  7. Click Save changes.
  8. Now you should able to see Instagram login icon in the login page.

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