User Rating Add-on for UserPro adds a user rating system to your WordPress site.
No back-end settings are required for the add-on. Just activate the add-on & only one shortcode is needed to enable user rating on your site.
How to Embed This Shortcode in Editor
[userpro template=rating] [userpro template=rating top_members="number_of_users_to_show"]
How to restrict particular role from rating?
Go to UserPro -> User Rating -> General Settings -> Restrict Roles From Ratings , and Enter the roles you want to restrict from rating and reviewing the users.
How to set certain roles to rate or submit review for other roles?
Go to UserPro -> User Rating -> General Settings -> Editor Can Rate or submit Review to or Author Can Rate or submit Review to etc , and Enter the roles you want to rate or submit review for other roles.
How to enable User Reviews in UserPro Rating add-on?
No back-end setting required for enabling reviews in add-on , you just have to create one page with this shortcode.
[userpro template=reviews]
Setting Anonymous reviews
You can enable Anonymous review by going to : UserPro -> User Ratings -> General Settings -> Enable Anonymous Review.
Note : If enabled, then only review comments will be shown. If disabled, then user profiles and user names of the user who submitted the review comment will be shown on the review page.
Length of Characters in the Review
Embed the number of characters to set the length of characters in your Review.
About Widget as Top Members
You can show a widget in the your WordPress to let others know about the top rated members.To embed a wigdet – GoTo Apperance->Wigdets->Top Members-> Set Title and Number of Users to show in the list of rated members.
Note: You need the latest version of UserPro (or minimum version 2.4) & User Rating Add-on for UserPro in order to use the above shortcode. Please click here to download the add-on.
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