This addon provides users the flexibility to edit their profiles from Frontend Dashboard and the capability to drag&drop and show the widgets on their Profile Page.
So Users can edit their profiles from frontend Dashboard and Save Changes .
1. Activate User Dashboard Addon
2. As soon as you enable User Dashboard addon , you will see User Dashboard option enabled under Userpro Tab and a page with shortcode – [userpro_dashboard] will automatically be created on your site .
3. Note : If it doesn’t get created – Create a page with name Dashboard and put the shortcode [userpro_dashboard] on it and Publish.
4. User Dashboard Settings – Click on User Dashboard Tab -> General Settings-> Enable Dashboard view -> Save Changes (See screenshot)
5. Open the dashboard page (Page having shortcode [userpro_dashboard] ) . Here you can see the options to See Profile , Edit profile , Upload Profile Picture , Change Password ,Profile Customizer, Logout from Profile . (See screenshot)
6. Profile Customizer Settings – Click on User Dashboard Tab -> Widget Settings -> Enable profile customizer and Enter Number of columns to show (Maximum 3 columns are allowed) -> Save Changes (See screenshot)
7. Now open the dashboard page (Page having shortcode [userpro_dashboard] ) . Click on the option “Profile Customizer” (See screenshot)
8. Drag&Drop the modules you would like to display on your profile page then click the Save Changes button.
9. How widgets will look on Profile? (See screenshot)
You can also have a look at the Youtube video for more information: How to use UserPro Dashboard Add-on.
Please click here to download the add-on.
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